Monday, August 6, 2012


I am convinced that creating a house into a home is in the details.
Thanks to Pinterest for the ideas and my own creativity to put a personal touch on things, this is what I have been up to.
 To keep things organized I have assigned every one a color in the family. It helps with little things around the house. Me (purple), Husband (Dark Blue) First Born (Baby Blue), Second Born (Green). I used yellow to express Joy as we are a family. I used these extra canvases that I had laying around and made some refreshing wall decor.
 So these cute little blocks can absolutely kill your feet if you step on them. They had to go. But they were too cute to throw away. So this project was inspired by Pinterest but I put my personal touch on it. I love that this project cost nothing ( had everything at home) and only two of the trees from the table were pulled off by my son.
 Before the legs got screwed back on.
 More decorative uses for the blocks.
 Despite the toys being every where. I love how we have the boys room decorated!
 I get totally annoyed reaching for a diaper for one child and pulling out the wrong size. So I put a label on it!
 Learning to recognize pictures and what sounds certain animals make. Large front hallway is perfect for killing time with the toddler.
Fresh flowers are a must for me. Thank goodness for Farmers Markets. You can get amazing flowers like these for only 10$.